2024 Animal House


This page contains the rules for the 2024 Animal House.

First of all, welcome to the HVAC ANIMAL HOUSE!!!!!

Every year this is a very tough choice to pick who gets to enter the house.
Many amazing people to choose from. If you were selected, it’s because I feel you bring something above and beyond to the HVAC trade. So congrats to you all!

For those who have not been. Prepare yourself, and your liver!


There are a few rules we need to go over before we unleash the beast.

1. Everyone has 3 days to pay in full unless negotiated with me for any other reason.

  1. Meals will be sponsored every night. If you are not a contractor and would like to contribute, please email me independently. So far, I have two nights filled!
  1. This chat will run till we enjoy our time at the house and maybe a month after. Then I shut it down and delete it!!!
  1. What happens in the chat, stays in the chat!
  1. What happens at the house, stays at the house! Unless it’s too funny! Then we go live!!!
  1. Ridicule is highly encouraged!!! This is suppose to build bridges between all walks of life and all spectrums of the industry!
  1. Some of those may require certain beds, if you do not, please be mindful for those who needs specific sleeping arrangements.
  1. Let’s have some fun!!!! 😎